By John Reddin
I saw a star up there tonight
I saw it shining clear and bright
I wonder what it really is?
Should I ask some science "whiz?"
Will it move around the Sun?
Are there stars for everyone?
Count them, start at One and Two,
A million six, it's hard to do
Last night was a flash of green
Brightest thing I've ever seen
Papers say it was a Nova
Also said its life was over
It blew, in Thirteen sixty four
Took that long to make our door
Travelling at the speed of light
Gave some Martian quite a fright
Stellar, Cosmos, words of wonder
Hope we never make a blunder
Shooting rockets into space
Do we own this milky place?
Is there life in other forms?
Short fat legs and hairy horns
Why should we invade their home?
Let us leave their space alone.
I saw a star up there tonight
I saw it shining clear and bright
A rocket hit it. What a noise!
A species died of man made toys.